Your area will require the best working group around. Watch out! An awful procedure could cause your business to be losing money. Watch out for the power supply, give a definitive innovation to your representatives, or get defensively covered vehicles to keep the security of your exceptional units. Put away your cash and your idle bookkeeping admirably to keep up with your police station and your staff appropriately prepared. Open notable characters during the game and put them in the dungeon. Catch the most needed crooks in the area. Take various cases and draw up various examination intends to settle them. Take choices and put away your cash carefully. Overhaul your structures, further develop your vehicle armada, assemble new regions, give the best working material to your group, expand your office to smooth out the desk work, recruit the most productive police officials around, or get familiar with definitive police examination techniques.
Moreover, manage the requirements of your central command and follow the appropriate procedure to grow your business while giving wellbeing to the local area.